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Fat Loss Season: Add Yards And Lose Pounds

         Views: 2457
2006-06-05 20:18:05     
Article by Jason Krantz

Summer is here and most of us are looking to drop a few pounds. If losing some weight is your goal how would you go about doing it?

Losing weight by using traditional methods, such as long sessions on the treadmill, can be a very time consuming and ineffective process. This is one of the main reasons that most people are unsuccessful at losing weight over the long term. It just requires too much time.

However, there are a few core principles that you can utilize to improve your golf-specific power and also lose weight quickly. I have used these principles myself for years continue to use them today because they work.

Keep Workouts Short – Try to keep your total workout time under 1 hour. After this amount of time hormone levels start to decline rapidly. You probably cannot afford to spend hours in the gym because it takes time away from other areas of your life. 60 minutes is more than enough time for anyone to get a very high quality fat burning workout in.

Focus On Intensity – Far too many people do long, drawn out workouts believing that this is the best way to burn calories. Your goal should be to burn as many calories as possible in as short of a time frame as possible. In order to do this you need to focus on intensity.

From a calorie burning perspective running 7 miles an hour for 20 minutes is better than walking for 40 minutes at 3 miles an hour because it is more intense. Intervals are an excellent way to burn more calories in less time. Obviously, the level of intensity you can use is dependent on your baseline level of conditioning.

Dump The Pump – The pump is a classic bodybuilding term that describes the “full” feeling your muscles have once they get a lot of blood flowing through them. While the pump is great for bodybuilders, you want to try and avoid it.

The lactic acid (usually referred to as “the burn”) that usually accompanies a pump can interfere with neural signal transmission and will actually decrease your maximum power output. As intensity should be one of your primary workout goals you can see why “the pump” should have no place in your workout.

Using these three simple principles regularly will help you burn more calories in less time, increase your overall athletic power and get into better overall shape very quickly

Specialized in: Lose Pounds
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