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Perspective - Make it a Good One

         Views: 1801
2008-08-20 08:13:53     
Article by Lisa Fyfe

Recently someone who was very depressed her whole life - with suicidal thoughts for many years - shared with me the story of how becoming very sick changed her perspective. It was ironic, she said, how she had wanted to end her life so many times, and when actually faced with the prospect of her own death that she suddenly gained the will to live. In fact, years after recovering from her illness, she feels she is blessed and enjoys life to the fullest.

Now it wasn't as simple as it is described here, and in fact she has worked hard to create a life worth living and feels connected to many good friends. But the interesting point is that our perspective really does have a huge impact on how we feel. For me, I realized that I had fully recovered from depression when we endured a series of financial difficulties that arose simultaneously as we created a family. Throughout all the stress, struggles, and financial woes, it was somehow easy for me to see beauty of my children, and ironically, I felt blessed, despite our misfortunes. In fact, taking joy in my children while we were struggling felt to me like a beautiful metaphor for life, which is at once difficult and incredibly beautiful, always. None of us go without struggles, but the good news is that none of us get to escape the beauty, either. It is always there for us to see, if we choose.

Perspective is only one piece of the whole picture, and I believe it's a combination of many factors physical, spiritual, mental and emotional, that can bring real freedom from depression. That said, how we view the world and our role in it is pretty important. It seems for each of us, how we come to the conclusion that life is actually good is a unique journey. Here's some questions that might help you view your life in a positive way:

~ What is it about your life that is better than most other people's lives you seen? Do you have a particular talent, ability, or knowledge that other people lack? How has this served you in your life?

~ Are there others who have similar or worse situations than you? Are there ways in which it is easier for you, even if these differences are minute?

~ Are there others who've overcome the struggles you are now enduring? For example, we've all heard of people who've come from extremely distressful situations in childhood, like war, extreme poverty, and abuse to become happy adults. What is it about their lives that can be of use to you?

~ In the movie, It's a Wonderful Life the main character realizes how much he had touched the lives of those around him during his life. Who are the people you've touched and in whose lives you've made a difference for the better?

~ Envision what it would mean to have a happy, creative, fulfilled life. Think about specifics and try to create as real a picture of this life in your mind. Write down all the elements that you desire. Create a plan that will help you realize at least two of those goals within the next year.

~ What if you were an older, wise person encountering yourself at this stage of your life. What words of wisdom would you pass on to yourself? Spend some time meditating on this idea and write down your thoughts.

~ Above all, make it a goal to be happy. Even though there are some of us who seem to be blessed with the ability to have a happy temperament, at some point it is work for all of us to maintain a positive perspective. Even though you may not feel it, make a promise to yourself that you will have happiness. You deserve it.

Lisa Fyfe, M.S., is a former high school English teacher turned stay-at-home-mom. Her interests include delicious, whole food as natural medicine, nutrition, and parenting as a path to spiritual growth. She is a Reiki Master, essential oil healer, and also runs a website that documents her natural recovery from depression, at http://www.Holistic-Treatment-for-Depression.com - "Your Daily Foothold to Happiness."

Specialized in: Holistic Depression Treatment - Natural Depression Treatments
URL: http://www.holistic-treatment-for-depression.com
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