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Give Or Take?

         Views: 1934
2008-08-31 22:43:19     
Article by Dinorah Blackman

The world would be a perfect place if each of us were granted the opportunity to work at our dream job and make a monthly six figure salary. I am sure that given those circumstances most people would pour themselves passionately into the job, performing according to elevated standards of excellence resulting from a self-motivated outlook.

But the reality is quite different for most XXI Century professionals. Very few are able to find a job that they are passionate about and yet fewer have the privilege of earning a salary that takes care of all the bills, all the needs, and many of the wants.

Too many of us simply accept a job offer because we need the cash-- putting our own emotional needs for personal fulfillment on the back burner for years, and sometimes for an entire lifetime. In a recent survey, only two out of every ten individuals said they were passionate about their jobs. Imagine that! No wonder so many people drag their feet to work every morning and display a sour disposition throughout the day. No wonder so many HR specialists complain that it is not easy to find good employees who are creative, loyal, and who contribute to the growth of the company. Most people hate what they do to make a living!

As a teacher I cannot begin to picture how frustrating it would be to stand before a group of teenagers everyday, unless I totally loved what I do. I need to be able to get my students to take their learning experience to a higher level-- a level that includes an unending passion for life and for all God's creatures.

One of the reasons why so many of us are dissatisfied with our jobs is simply because we have been taught from early on that the most important part of finding a good job is to focus on the compensation package. And I agree to a certain extent, because in order to maintain a certain standard of living and to get the bills paid, one needs to find employment that is in accordance with one's lifestyle and economical aspirations. But working for personal satisfaction is by far more empowering than simply going through the motions for the sake of a paycheck.

Have you stopped to wonder how different things would be for you if instead of signing the contract merely for the salary, you signed with a determination to contribute- dream job or not?

A lot has been said about motivation. Specialists are hired to measure the motivation temperature of the workplace. Then meetings are held in which graphics are presented and evaluated and finally guidelines are placed on the table. Guidelines that, if followed faithfully, promise to breathe some life into all the dry bones and inspire them to greater productivity.

Pep rallies are organized, slogans are created, hug-and-feel-good-about-yourself workshops are held, and bonuses are handed out. The motivation peek is reached, but after a few weeks at the most, almost everyone falls back into the usual routine simply because motivation does not come from an outside source; it is a personal choice.

Every single work day, every single employee around the world-- whether a manager, teacher, construction worker, architect, auto mechanic, lawyer, banker, custodian-- makes a choice regarding the attitude that will be displayed on the job. That daily decision permeates every single aspect of this employee's performance. If the right choice is made, employers can breathe a sigh of relief. But if, as is too often the case, the choice is made to drag the feet to work, criticize, complain, bicker, and waste time, then for sure that employee will not be contributing to the growth and prosperity of the company.

Throughout the years I have had dozens of interviews for many different positions. I have been asked a number of really interesting questions, mostly about my studies, experience, and personal life. Not once has a potential employer asked me this: What are you going to contribute to make this company stronger?

Eighteen years ago it would have taken me a few minutes to gather my thoughts in order to answer. Today, I have a convincing response, but still nobody asks. In fact, I've been to a few meetings in which the interviewer was trying hard to impress me with the salary the company was willing to pay for my services.

Instead of focusing on the employee with the most persuasive recommendations, the fanciest degree from the best university, the nicest tie, the brightest smile, whoever is doing the hiring needs to engage the ones who will contribute. The ones who do not need a personal cheer leader in order to produce. The ones who will find solutions instead of complaining pointlessly. The ones who see the bonus, the raise, and the promotion as blessings and stepping stones instead of a debt owed to them.

There is no excuse for mediocre performance. Motivation is not something your boss does for you. Contributing to your company is not a favor you are doing for an already too-wealthy business person. Think about it: if the company you work for prospers, so do you. If the company you work for goes bankrupt, you will also be affected.

The satisfaction that comes from knowing that you did a great job, that you did your very best, THAT is priceless.

Dinorah Blackman-Williams' books may be previewed and purchased at http://www.lulu.com/blackman

Specialized in: Give - Take
URL: http://stores.lulu.com/blackman
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