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Least Known Secret of Success

         Views: 2073
2008-09-09 01:00:04     
Article by Roderick Low

There are a lot of theories and success secrets out there. The most famous ones are 'You have to know what you want', ' goal setting is the key', ' you must have a positive mental attitude'. But one of the least known secret of success, sometimes not even the successful people realizing it, is the ability to take Personal Initiative, to take action.

Andrew Carnegie, the richest man in the world over a century ago, said that "there two kind of men who will never amount to anything. The first are the ones who doesn't do what they are told and the second are the ones who cant even do what they are told." The people that get ahead in their careers and in life are actually those who not only do what they are told, they usually do more, add more value to the work.

So how do we take initiative at work?

Before you can take initiative on anything, you first have to decide your objective. What do you want to accomplish? How do you want to accomplish it? Create a plan of action and start following the plan.

Along the way, you will find that there are people who will be willing to help you achieve your objective. Seek them out and work with them. If you have encounter problems, work with skilled experts. Ignore critics because there are no known monuments for critics.

When a task is completed, examine it. Is it the best job you could have done? What might have made it better? Why don't you take that step right now? Personal Initiative depends on your being alert to every opportunity and acting on that opportunity as soon as you discover it.

Never wait for outside source to trigger your actions. Procrastination is the archenemy of Personal Initiative, and if you let procrastination to become a habit in the early game, you will have very big difficulty in overcoming it.

Strength you develop when you have habit of Personal Initiative

Here are some of the strength you will develop when you equip yourself with the habit of Personal Initiative.

A team who will work with you - Its true that if you start showing your desire to work towards an objective, you will eventually seek out people who are willing to aid you towards that objective.

Self-discipline - Personal Initiative and Self-Discipline goes hand in hand with each other. Without one, you can't have the other. And Self-Discipline is one of the toughest habits to acquire.

Persistence - A valuable habit. Persistence based on the will to win will also be developed.

Going the extra mile - One of the most important factors in any personal success is the habit of going the extra mile. With personal initiative, you will also develop this habit.

Responsibilities - Most people hope to have the least responsibilities as possible. I believe the more responsibilities you have, the faster you will achieve your objective. The ability to assume full responsibility is highly valuable.

Sense of detailed - You will develop a sense to details because since you are taking the initiative to produce the work, everything you do, you will do with pride.

As long as you can develop this habit, you will be presented with opportunities along the way.

Rod Low is the founder of Expedite Drop, an advertising network company that focus on niche blog advertising. Featuring over 20 niche blogs and growing, Expedite Drop enable you to promote your Web site, product, service or company and reach out to these highly targeted audiences.

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URL: http://expeditedrop.com
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