
Partners / Services

Contact Us


The Association exists to enhance its member’s educational experience by providing products and services that make their lives easier and more fulfilling.

The founding mission of The Association is to provide educational and occupational support to adults in pursuit of their goals through distance learning opportunities.

Some of the member services offered by The Association include:

  • Provide information regarding conferences for career advancement.
  • Furthering members' knowledgebase by providing sources for various educational materials.
  • Interactive networking opportunities using our internet site and other technology-driven delivery systems.
  • Provide access to products and services


Members are encouraged to take advantage of all of the above services and activities developed by The Association to enhance the distance learning experience. We welcome your thoughts, suggestions for improvements to the services offered, your recommendations for new products, as well as your opinion regarding The Association through E-mail.

Students aiming to excel in their careers often pursue DET Level 5 to gain advanced skills and knowledge.

Phone 555-555-5555 | Fax 555-555-5555 | Email:

©2008 - Disatnace Learning Association

Carmel, Indiana 46032