[Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA]
[Mary Title]

Long Beach, California

Launched in 1934, she made her maiden voyage in 1936 to New York and sailed until her retirement in Long Beach, California in 1967, the Queen Mary is the last great Atlantic Ocean Liner left in existance. This page is a photographic celebration of this mighty ship and intends to be a starting point for those who are interested in the Queen Mary and ships like her. I strongly encourage everyone to go to Long Beach, California and see this great ship! ***All the color photos on this page were shot with Kodachrome film. Enjoy.***

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This site has been live on the web since April 30, 1997!!!

Last Changed October 9, 2020

Cruise Pictures]

See What A Cruise In 1966 To The Mediterranean On The Queen Mary Looked Like!!!


Queen Mary Photographs

Here you can take a "virtual tour" of the ship as it looked the first time I visited in 1978, and then in 1996 when I was a hotel guest for the first time. Click on each catagory to see different aspects of the ship. I have tried to include some text with the pictures to enhance the experience for those who may not have read much about the ship.

Welcome to my Queen Mary Photo Page!

My first visit to the ship
Some External Views of the Queen Mary
Passenger and Crew Accomodations
Queen Mary Dining Rooms
Queen Mary Stairs and Corridors
Queen Mary Engines
Queen Mary Interior Spaces
Views Along The Decks Of The Queen Mary
More Views Along the Decks of the Queen Mary
Queen Mary at Sunset
Queen Mary at Night
Queen Mary's Hull Areas

How do I get to the Queen Mary?

Copyright © 1997-2020 - David A. Lee - All Rights Reserved

All the photographs contained within this web site (except for the hyper-text links in the welcome and cabins sections) are the sole property of the webmaster, David A. Lee. No one is permitted to reproduce or redistribute these images in any way for any reason without the expressed permission of the webmaster, David A. Lee. Use of these images for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited under any circumstances without written permission from the image copyright holder.

Please feel free to send me some email.