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AKC Registered Breeder
Member of: Golden Retriever Club Of America

.:: ABOUT US ::.

We first became involved with Goldens about 25 years ago. I learned of a company called CCI or Canine Companions for Independence which dedicated to service dogs for the handicapped. At the time, I had a handicapped child. I researched the breed and I was hooked. 

Our first golden was a female name Nugget. She was a "Nugget of Gold" and lived up to her name. Nugget grew up with Jason and was not the least bit bothered by the braces, crutches and wheelchair. She thought nothing of lying on top of his crutches as he watched television or under his desk as he did his homework. She would wait patiently everyday for him at the front door. When she heard the crutches ,the tail would wag, the body quiver and the scratching at the door would begin until they were face to face when Nugget would smother Jason with wet kisses. The giggles from a little boy's heart could be heard throughout the house. They are both gone now, but the love and respect for Goldens will always be cherished.

Thru the years we have devoted ourselves to improving the breed by being conscious of what we breed. We look forward to what Lacey, Hannah and our newest addition to the family, Joey (European Import), will bring to our lives and to the lives of those around us.


We breed only the highest quality Golden Retrievers that meet all health standards of - Heart, Eyes, Hips, Elbows (OFA, CERF, SAS), but more importantly, the "Golden Temperament." We do not breed quantity, we breed quality!

Pedigrees and clearances are available on all of our dogs. Should you require additional information, please feel free to contact us. 

Our sales agreement is available to view HERE.


Steve and Joanne Scott
24K Goldens
Located in Exeter, Ca. (Between Bakersfield and Fresno)
EMAIL: Scotts 24k Goldens
Contact: (559) 300-3403


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EMAIL: Scotts 24k Goldens
Contact: (559) 300-3403

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