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Popular Drug Comparisons

EffexoreMedExpert compares prescription drugs using different formats. In head to head drugs comparisons, like Effexor vs Cymbalta, we analyze mechanisms of action, FDA approved and off-label uses, side effect profiles of two or more similar drugs.

DoxycyclineDoxycycline vs Minocycline comparison takes a close look at how two antibiotics work in treating specific medical conditions, in particular acne vulgaris.

SSRIsWhen comparing prescription drugs which belong to the same class, we outline similarities and differences in approved indications and uses, efficacy, side effects, pharmacokinetics, half-life, drug interactions. Comparison of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors is a good example.

AntidepressantsAnd one more method is comparison of different classes of prescription drugs used for the same medical conditions. Like Comparison of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors to Tricyclic Antidepressants

Medication Facts

drug factsThe articles in this section list FDA approved and off-label uses, advantages and disadvantages of the medications, class of drugs to which they belong, pregnancy category, habit forming properties, little known interesting facts. All information is taken from official and reputable sources, such as Food and Drug Administration, Physicians' Desk Reference, or National Institute of Health.

Expired medsLearn important and interesting reference-supported and little-known facts about Expired Medications.

Drug Lists

This is were you will find various lists of drugs compiled for your convenience. Among most popular lists are:

Helpful Tools

toolsOur in-house developed tool will let you quickly find generic versions of brand-name drugs and the other way around - brand-name drugs of commonly used generics. Note, however, that brand names listed for each generic drug may not include all brands available in the United States. The most common ones are listed.

Drug Classes

This section contains comprehensive descriptions of prescription drug classes like Antibiotics (Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Fluoroquinolones, Tetracyclines, Macrolides, Aminoglycosides), Hair loss medications, or Erectile dysfunction medications.

Side Effects

PDR book

An alphabetical list of side effects reported in the "Adverse Reactions" section of the product descriptions in PDR® and its companion volumes. Under each side effect is an alphabetical list of brands associated with the reaction.

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