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Improve Your Life These Two Important Ways

         Views: 1834
2008-01-02 04:53:28     
Article by Robert Markovsky

There are, of course, many different methods one could use in order to go about enacting the changes to improve their life. However, here are two that will go a long way towards accomplishing that goal.

Number 1 - Take Control Of Your Time

Now you can accomplish the goals that you've always wanted to , but thought you didn't have the time for, without sacrificing time for anything else you are currently doing.

There is the age old cliche' "Time is Money", but a more modern statement in today's world is that "Time is a Precious Commodity". Time affects every aspect of your life. Your job, your personal relationships, sleep, and the time you find for leisure are all affected by your ability to manage your time. After all, there are only 24 hours in a day, and that will never change.

It may seem that there is never enough time, but if you learn how to manage your time better, you will be surprised at how much time you really have.

Time management is not something that is taught in high school, and very few colleges include it as part of there required course studies, but it may just be the single most important life skill that you can have. I know that some will tell you that it is motivation that sets the very successful apart from the crowd, but I believe most of us have the motivation, we just don't know how to find the time.

How many times have we said "If I only had the time, I would like to do that? ". And it doesn't have to be about making more money or doing your job better. The underlying principle is that time management is not about doing your job well, it is about living your life well.

You should have time for everything. And everything means work, play, enjoyment, freaking out and just time to sit and stare; because that is when the most creative ideas are born.

Number 2 - Take Control Of Your Health

Now, more than any other time in our history, people are all striving to have the best, healthiest body possible.

The health and fitness industries are making billions of dollars every year on herbal supplements, fitness equipment, gyms, and special diets. If you watch TV or read magazines, there are always some intriguing ads and commercials asking for money for products to help you get into shape. While many of these options are good and healthy, others you should stay as far away from as possible. Recently popular over-the-counter diet supplements have been in the news, after a number of deaths were associated with the main ingredient used in many of these pills.

Now that you are ready to make a commitment to take care of your body, both internal and external, it is critical to your overall health that you do it the right way. You should find the means for both health and fitness that will help you lose weight and discover ways to maintain a better healthier lifestyle, and be in the best shape of your life - all the smart way.

On the inside of your body focus on herbal supplements, weight loss, dieting, rest, and everything you need to know about taking care of your body.

On the outside of your body, fitness includes weight lifting, running, sports, walking, plus things you can do to enhance, tone, and build muscle. However, fitness also has benefits for the inside such as great cardiovascular benefits among others.

By taking control of your time management as well as your health you will have done two important things to improve the quality of your life now and in the future.

See http://www.Self--Improvement.com for a wealth of information on self-improvement. This is one site provided by http://www.Millennium--Services.com, run by R.T. Markovsky

Specialized in: Success - Improve Health - Time Management - Self Help - Meditation - Wealth - Self Improvement - Mind Improvement - Self Improvement Books
URL: http://www.self--improvement.com
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