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Stress Management is Essential to Good Health

         Views: 1656
2008-09-10 04:14:16     
Article by David Slone

Stress has no boundaries, it effects everyone both young and old, both rich and poor. In fact, your first experiences with stress began when you were just a baby. The frustration that a baby feels in trying to learn new things and even learning to walk is the first experience with stress!

Literally no one is totally immune to stress, whether it's low levels of stress or high levels, we all experience some stress on a daily basis. Stress can come from any source, your job, school, your home life, it can come from outside sources or sources inside your own body such as pain or illness.

Some stress can have good effects, it can help you to think quicker, be stronger and be more productive. But, high levels of stress or long term stress can have devastating results on both your emotional and physical well being. How stress affects you and how you deal with stress can mean the difference between life and death.

There are many emotional problems that can be attributed to stress, but there are also numerous physical afflictions that are brought on or worsened by it's effects on the body. Minor results of stress include skin disorders, insomnia and fatigue.

The more serious results of stress on the body range from anything to high blood pressure, migraines, ulcers and even heart attack. And, constant or long term stress can elevate these symptoms until they're out of control or even fatal.

While studies have yet to link stress directly to cancer, they have shown that stress does affect the rate at which tumors grow and spread throughout the body. However, this is believed to be due to the low immune system resulting from the hormones released into the bloodstream during stress.

Numerous studies have been done to try to discover the affect stress has on the human body and mind. And, researchers will continue to try and unravel the links between stress and both physical and emotional health problems.

There are certainly several medications available that can help reduce stress. But, medications carry side effects and should only be used as a last resort. The good news is that most people don't need medications to treat stress.

Many of the things that can prevent stress are just normal things that lots of people do on a daily basis.

Laughter is good for the soul, but it's also a very good way to relax. Listening to your favorite music, taking a walk, take up gardening, exercise or even taking up yoga can help you fight stress.

Make a mental note of the situations that end up causing stress and avoid them if you can. When you start to feel stressed out, take a "time out" and try to calm down before the situation gets out of control. No matter how you do it, it is essential to good health to find ways to deal with stress and learn to control it.

Even low level stress situations can quickly become a major health problem if you are experiencing them on a regular basis. It is even believed that practicing stress reducing techniques can reverse the effects of heart disease. Stress management is based on you taking charge of your emotions, body and your life!

Copyright 2008 NoStressEver.com. If you would like help and information about practical ways to deal with stress including Self Help Techniques to Manage Stress and make your life more relaxing head on over to http://www.nostressever.com

Specialized in: Stress-management - No Stress - How To Reduce Stress
URL: http://www.nostressever.com
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