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How to Succeed As an Expatriate in the United States

         Views: 2241
2010-07-22 07:29:02     
Article by Kelly Caterpillar

Many people come to the states seeking the American Dream. They think that, once they land on the American soil, all opportunities will be open. This is not always true. There are some rules, regulations, and laws they have to abide with in order to succeed.

Know the American laws

Let me repeat, know the law! It's not because your dad is a general in a different country that you think you are above the law in the US. As you may have read on the news, there are many people who are children of highly regarded folks in the US and go to jail for minor things. George W. Bush's daughter is just a small example.

You are in America!

You have to abide by its cultural do's and dont's. Don't think because you are from a different culture, that people will understand. People already assume you know every cultural aspect of America. It's indeed rude for someone to overlook small cultural details under the excuse that you don't know the culture well.

Americans are nice, in general.

Contrarily to different cultures and societies, where you are considered 'guilty, until proven innocent,' in the US, it's the exact opposite: "you are innocent, until proven guilty" What is meant by this is that people are genuinely nice and trusting. However, Americans do not tolerate when you abuse their trust.

Do not overstay your Visa, ever!

The American legal system is general trusting people. To the contrary to many countries like the UAE ( where I heard they require a deposit when you are the country temporarily), the United States Department of Homeland Security will trust people to leave before expiry of their Visa. However, once expatriates are in the country illegally for even one (1) day, they cannot return to the country for 5 years. So be extremely vigilant concerning this. Double check with your immigration lawyer and your company's HR department. Do not seek advice from friends and family, they may not know everything.

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