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           06 February, 2025
Category:  Arts »  Music »  Chats and Forums SUBMIT A SITE | Suggest A Category |  Search Category

Chats and Forums

Records 1-7 of 7
Order by  Date Added  |  Popularity  |  Alphabet
Drummer Cafe (Popularity: )
A drum and percussion forum for the novice to professional drummer or percussionist. Registration required to view board.

Musician Forums (Popularity: )
Large message board with sections dealing with most genres and instruments in western music.

Metal Mayhem (Popularity: )
Metal music talk; with guitarist, drummer and bassist sections.

Music Banter (Popularity: )
A general music discussion forum with sections for many genres.

The Mad4it Forum (Popularity: )
A music and general chat forum, with boards to post about hiphop, rock, indie, metal, punk and your music.

TALK@PhilMusic (Popularity: )
Discussion forums, chat, and mailing lists on music.

BehindClosedDoors (Popularity: )
Half of the discussion forums is about hip hop. The other half is about other trivial things; like picture, funny, ...

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IRC (1) Mailing Lists (1)