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           09 February, 2025
Category:  Arts »  Television »  Commercials SUBMIT A SITE | Suggest A Category |  Search Category


Records 1-7 of 7
Order by  Date Added  |  Popularity  |  Alphabet
Sounds Familiar - UK TV Advert Music (Popularity: )
UK TV advert music website, movie soundtrack and tv series soundtrack database. Search for songs you hear on tv ads, ...

What is Merchantia? (Popularity: )
Step-by-step demonstration on how a commercial is created.

neil coxhill director / animator (Popularity: )
commercial and pop promos directed and animated by award winning neil coxhill, showing production notes and stills from recent work

UK TV Adverts (Popularity: )
Discover the identity of actors and actresses who appear in, or do voice-overs for British commercials.

Commercials I Hate (Popularity: )
TV viewers sound off about the worst of the television advertising world.

Duncan's Ad Land (Popularity: )
Duncan Macleod's web log reviewing advertising spots in Australia. Includes archive and biography.

My Dog Spot (Popularity: )
Archives of commercials with Cal Worthington, advertising his southern California automobile dealerships.

sub categories
Food and Drink History Infomercials (2)