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Toy Soldiers and Figures

Records 1-20 of 31   |   Go to 1 2 Next >> page 
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Armies in Plastic (Popularity: )
1/32nd scale sets, primarily depicting 19th and 20th century battles.

Armoury.co.uk (Popularity: )
Offers a large range of toy soldiers and military models. Based in the UK.

Beau Geste (Popularity: )
Manufacturers of metal 54mm figures from a variety of eras and locales, including South American. Includes company information, collectors and ...

Cassandra Model (Popularity: )
Producer of painted metal figures from a broad historical range including cavalry and Italian Carabinieri. Located in Italy.

Castle Miniatures (Popularity: )
UK based retailer specializing in hand painted metal from a range of historic periods.

Elen* Models (Popularity: )
Producer of metal 54mm figures. Offers new production from other manufacturers as well. Located in Russia.

Fox Toy Soldiers (Popularity: )
Extensive product line organized by both era and manufacturer, including some reference materials. Searchable database and additional collector support features.

Hampton Miniatures (Popularity: )
Manufacturer of 54mm solid cast pewter lead alloy painted toy soldiers and figures. Eras include Revolutionary War, Civil War, Christmas ...

Historic Toy Soldier Shop (Popularity: )
Metal and plastic figures organized by historical era.

Hobby Bunker (Popularity: )
Offers both painted and unpainted figures in metal and plastic.

International Toy Soldier Gallery (Popularity: )
Features 1:32 scale including King and Country , 21st Century Toys, and Forces of Valor.

James Finn - Miniatures (Popularity: )
Imported German Zinnfiguren, painting service, and some prepainted Warhammer figures.

JG Miniatures (Popularity: )
Accessories and 54mm toy soldiers. Located in the UK.

Le Petit Soldat (Popularity: )
Military miniatures including CBG Mignot, Britains, Alymer, and Charles Biggs Premier.

LeadWarrior.com (Popularity: )
Offers detailed ancient, medieval, Russian, and Napoleonic unpainted 54mm metal historical figurines.

London Bridge Collector's Toys, Ltd. (Popularity: )
Specailizes in reproduction Britains figures and parts. Also offers books and supplies, and figures by Britains, Imperial Productions, and Forward ...

March Through Times (Popularity: )
Manufacturers carried include Frontline Figures, King & Country, Soldier Gallery, Conte Collectables, and JG Miniatures.

Miniature Military (Popularity: )
Canadian based company offering Russian produced metal figures from a broad range of historical periods.

Peter Dale (Popularity: )
Offers a range of new and used including Britians, Timpo, Atlantic, and Alymer. Located in the UK.

Peter Nathan Toy Soldiers (Popularity: )
Features both metal and plastic pieces from a variety of manufacturers. Located in Australia.
Records 1-20 of 31   |   Go to 1 2 Next >> page