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           06 February, 2025
Category:  Computers »  Speech Technology »  Speech Synthesis SUBMIT A SITE | Suggest A Category |  Search Category

Speech Synthesis

Records 1-9 of 9
Order by  Date Added  |  Popularity  |  Alphabet
The Tama Management Team (Popularity: )
The Tama management team have collectively more experience than any other in the industry having been involved since its inception ...

Cepstral Speech Synthesis (Popularity: )
Small footprint text-to-speech synthesis suitable for mobile, handheld, and wearable computers. Provides a variety of voices and accents. Effective on ...

Advanced Technology and Research (Popularity: )
Markets a variety of speech products for industry including voiceprint, text to speech and airport security systems. Good online text ...

Speech and Software Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. (Popularity: )
One of India's global IT services and product-engineering companies, providing a wide range of speech-based IT solutions such as automatic ...

German text-to-speech systems (Popularity: )
A commented overview of commercial and scientific TTS (text-to-speech) -systems for the German language with examples.

Acapela Group (Popularity: )
Merger of TTS companies Babeltech, Elan and Infovox. Many TTS-engines with online demonstrations.

Demonstrations of Simulated Emotional Speech (Popularity: )
Collection of links and sound-examples of simulated emotional speech by synthesis.

Audio Generator for the web (Popularity: )
Site offeres technique to add your own voice to web pages and e-mails.

Emofilt (Popularity: )
Prosody-filter to simulate emotional arousal with speech synthesis based on the free-for-non-commercial-use MBROLA synthesis engine available in Java.

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Desktop Readers (5)