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Prosecuting Attorneys

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Order by  Date Added  |  Popularity  |  Alphabet
12th Circuit District Attorney (Popularity: )
Information on the office and on its worthless checks program and its teen courts program, court documents, and contact information.

13th Judicial District State Attorney (Popularity: )
General information on the office, information for victims, and contact information.

17th Judicial Circuit State Attorney (Popularity: )
A description of the office, witness and victim information, a description of efforts to reduce school truancy, and grand jury ...

18th Judicial District Attorney (Popularity: )
A list of office employees with contact information, and descriptions of office programs including pretrial and victim assistance programs.

20th Judicial Circuit State Attorney (Popularity: )
Mission statement, information on unsolved crimes, grand jury reports, and a mailing list.

21st Judicial District Attorney (Popularity: )
Volunteer opportunities, details on a rape defense program, information on pretrial programs, and contacts.

23rd Judicial District Attorney (Popularity: )
Contact information, news related to criminal law, tips on safely taking checks, and victims assistance information.

25th Judicial District Attorney (Popularity: )
A summary of office programs, contact information, and a description of the office's legal education program in the public schools.

2nd Judicial District Attorney (Popularity: )
Information on diversion programs, worthless check prosecution, and victim assistance, and office contacts.

32nd Judicial District Attorney (Popularity: )
Staff list and contact information.

35th Judicial District Attorney (Popularity: )
Information on office services, pictures of office personnel, an affidavit for worthless check complaints, information on pretrial diversion options, and ...

6th Judicial District State Attorney (Popularity: )
A tour of the office, contacts, and information on domestic violence and on bad checks.

9th Circuit Court District Attorney (Popularity: )
Office directory and information on criminal justice, forms for police officers, and news.

Alaska Attorney General (Popularity: )
Legal resources, a documents library, and an attorney general's opinion search engine.

Baltimore City State's Attorney (Popularity: )
Organizational chart, personal safety tips, employment information, press releases, and information on arranging for a speaker.

Bristol County District Attorney (Popularity: )
Answers to frequently asked questions, press releases, descriptions of court results, an online opinion poll, a services directory, and Spanish ...

Bronx County District Attorney (Popularity: )
Annual reports, legislative efforts, organizational structure of the office, and community outreach information.

California District Attorneys Association (Popularity: )
CDAA provides continuing legal education and advocacy for California prosecutors; its site includes attorney rosters, training information, and information on ...

Clark County Prosecutor (Popularity: )
Contact information and a description of the work of the office, an online reference desk with information on topics such ...

Cobb County District Attorney (Popularity: )
Information on courtroom assignments of office personnel, descriptions of major cases prosecuted by the office, and links to other legal ...
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