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           09 February, 2025
Category:  Sports »  Soccer »  Coaching SUBMIT A SITE | Suggest A Category |  Search Category


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AFL Drills & Essential AFL References For Coaches (Popularity: )
Groundwork Coaching is a comprehensive football program designed by Glenn Wilkins and Craig McBrien for AFL drill coaches to personalise ...

Soccer Kix (Popularity: )
Information, camps, equipment, drills and tournaments in association with A.C. Parma Scuola Calcio (soccer school).

Geofootiecoach (Popularity: )
Routines with diagrams, message board, and links.

Soccer Training Information (Popularity: )
Training tips, including information on passing, dribbling, shooting, and strategies.

Soccer Performance International (Popularity: )
The soccer player development specialists with an online training resource for client soccer clubs.

Jeff Benjamin's Soccer Goalkeeper Coaching (Popularity: )
Information on goalkeeping for the coach and player. Covers techniques, tactics, psychology, sample training sessions, and equipment.

Socatots (Popularity: )
A soccer-specific physical play concept for pre-school children designed to develop a child’s physical skills of agility, balance and co-ordination.