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           15 February, 2025
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University of Salford (Popularity: )
School of Nursing. Offers pre and post qualification courses to diploma, degree and masters level outcomes. Includes list of programs, ...

University of Southampton (Popularity: )
School of Nursing and Midwifery. Offers pre-registration and post-qualifying courses. Includes program list, course structure, requirements, and financial information.

University of Manchester (Popularity: )
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting provides programmes leading to Diploma and Bachelor of Nursing, and professional registration.

Bournemouth University (Popularity: )
Offers graduate and undergraduate courses in nursing, mental health and midwifery. Includes entry requirements, list of courses, and academic calendar. ...

St Martin's College (Popularity: )
Department of Nursing Studies. Pre-registration using problem based learning and video conferencing. Post-Registration through supported distance learning.