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           14 January, 2025
Category:  Arts »  Comics »  Organizations and Institutions SUBMIT A SITE | Suggest A Category |  Search Category

Organizations and Institutions

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Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (Popularity: )
Exists to fight censorship and defend the first amendment rights of comic book professionals throughout the United States.

National Cartooning Competition (Popularity: )
Information on the competition for primary and secondary schools in Australia, teaching cartooning and creativity. By the Australian Black and ...

National Cartoonists Society (Popularity: )
Information on recent legal issues, the Rueben award, how to become a cartoonist. Also, biographical notes on famed cartoonists.

Organized Readers of Comics Associated (Popularity: )
Promotes reading of comic books. Offers free distribution of comic books to promote literacy and the business of comics.

Anonima Fumetti - Italian Cartoonists Society (Popularity: )
Italian Cartoonists Society's and the Italian Comic Art Centre. In Italian and English.

London Cartoon Gallery (Popularity: )
Devoted to contemporary British cartoons, newspaper strips, cartoonist biographies and related merchandise.

Cartoon Art Museum of San Francisco (Popularity: )
A guide to this museum, contains information on exhibits. Also has an online store.

New York City Comic Book Museum (Popularity: )
Preserving the historical and artistic legacy of comic book culture.

Funtime Comics (Popularity: )
A group of artists and enthusiasts from Christchurch, New Zealand who produce a regular comic anthology and work towards the ...

Failure (Popularity: )
A loose confederation of cartoonists who have one thing in common: an independent spirit. Contains message board and comics-related links.