Allan's Time Interval Metrology Enterprise (Popularity: )
New Unified Field Theory shows relationship between gravity, mass, energy density, weak and strong nuclear force fields; evidence and discussion.
Distance, Time and Space (Popularity: )
Time and space are fiction - only distance is reality.
Einstein Conspiracy (Popularity: )
Conspiracy to suppress history of alternative physics that links the ideas of Einstein, Tesla and Newton through the missing link ...
EPOLA: A New Approach to the Fine Structure of Matter and Space (Popularity: )
A physical theory on space, matter and radiation: "empty" space is full of tiny particles.
Fathomless (Popularity: )
An alternative approach to the question of the nature of energy, space and time. The definition of each leads to ...
Fundamentals of new physics and of the universe picture (Popularity: )
Two hypothesises which resolve the inconsistent experimental material and problems accumulated by modern science.
Hypothetical Collisions of an Ideal Solid (Popularity: )
A modern atomist theory of the physical universe.Alternative theory that overturns Einstein's Theory of Relativity and returns physics to Classical ...
Irreversible Systems (Popularity: )
A New Dynamics, with Newtonian Dynamics as a special case. Applicable in insect flight, and astrophysics.
Living Universe (Popularity: )
Quantum origin of the Universe. This model proposes that the Big-Bang model and the Steady-State model are complementary.
Nothing That Matters (Popularity: )
A theory in which space has a structure of its own - made up of massless photon like particles.
Science Site (Popularity: )
The secret of gravity is revealed in a new theory. Learn how fields move faster than the speed of light.
The Nature of Existence (Popularity: )
A detailed, ex nihilo model of the universe is developed as the geometric embodiment of a simple integer count. Causes ...
The Quest for Gravity Control (Popularity: )
Gravitycontrol.org has been created to search for the team or individual who can demonstrate gravity control on demand.
The Swedish Association for New Physics (Popularity: )
A non-profit association aiming to be a forum for research at the border of or outside established scientific paradigms.
Theory of Reciprocity (Popularity: )
The theory which reconciles the phenomenon of 'Existence' with the principles of logic.
Time and Gravity Control, Free Energy (Popularity: )
Experimental proposals, projects and theories.
TimeScience Pages (Popularity: )
Time quantizing, time sensing, autoadaptation-theorem and the algorithm of life. A new universal theory described, by Erich Bieramperl.
TRUTON (Popularity: )
The Rational Unified Theory Of Nature