BikeForPeace.org (Popularity: )
Boulder, Colorado, based group encouraging passive, anti-war protest through the switch from auto dependency to bicycle transportation. General information, photographs, ...
Human Transport Organization (Popularity: )
Based in North Carolina, deals with a variety of political and engineering topics related to human powered transport. Most of ...
Bicycle Commuting Now (Popularity: )
A Harrisburg, PA, area bicycle commuter's bLog. Day-to-Day antics and views ranging from tool reviews to daily experiences.
Self-Propelled City (Popularity: )
Informative site containing many articles on the choice of a bicycle as one's preferred means of transport. Contains a sections ...
North American Velomobilist (Popularity: )
A web resource for those interested in the velomobile: self-contained, fully (or semi-) enclosed bicycle-based vehicles. Information includes commercial acquisition ...
Commuter Bicycles (Popularity: )
Features recommentations for bicycle designed and equipped specifically for commuting and transportation as opposed to recreation. The site is presented ...
BikeCommute.com (Popularity: )
News, reviews, and articles of interest to those who choose to commute by bicycle. Also home to a database of ...
BikeCommuter.com (Popularity: )
Contains articles and information intended to promote awareness of the multiple benefits resulting from the development a more bike centric ...
International Mountain Biking Association (Popularity: )
Dedicated to the promotion of off-road bicycling through education in environmentally sound, socially responsible riding practices and land management policies.
John Forester, M.S., P.E. (Popularity: )
Forester is the father of the vehicular cycling concept. An experienced Planning Engineer, his site brings many years of VC ...
ProBicycle (Popularity: )
Formerly ChainGuard.org, an authoritative source for bicycle advocacy on the 'Net. Visitors will find links to many relevant sites and ...
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