Best Film Schools (Popularity: )
Film schools online is a website for finding the best film schools through the online medium. Finding a film school ...
Film School - New York Film Academy (Popularity: )
Film & Acting School at New York Film Academy with Schools in New York, Los Angeles, and Abu Dhabi.
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Australian Film Television and Radio School (Popularity: )
Australia's premier film school with 100s of pages of information on courses and services, online library, and Quicktime movies.
Action/Cut Directing Seminars (Popularity: )
Directing film and TV workshops: weekend workshops with director/writer Guy Magar on the directing process for filmmakers, directors, writers, producers, ...
Victoria Motion Picture School (Popularity: )
Vancouver Island's Premiere Training Facility for the Motion Picture Industry.Offering full-time courses in Film Production and Acting for the Screen.
FAMU (Popularity: )
The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
The London Film School (Popularity: )
Registered charity offering two-year MA degree program in filmmaking.
Northwest Film Center School of Film (Popularity: )
Based in Portland, offering a range of courses and workshops. Details of each course are provided with an enrollment form, ...
The USA Film School (Popularity: )
A 40 hour, full immersion crash course in filmmaking. Weekend hours and for beginners, intermediate and advanced workshops. Make a ...
Film Studies Division--Univ. of Utah (Popularity: )
The Film Studies Division at the University of Utah offers B.A. and M.F.A. Degree programs with courses in film/video production, ...
International Film Seminars (Popularity: )
Presenters of The Robert Flaherty Film Seminar in New York. Provides information on the seminars, scholarships and archive of their ...
Motion Picture Institute of Michigan (Popularity: )
History and information on the organisation as well as details of its one year program in Production and enrollment information.
New York Independent Film School (Popularity: )
Provides information on the faculty, the courses and how to apply, as well as showing student work online.
Queensland School of Film and Television (Popularity: )
Provides information on the school, details of the courses offered, enrollment request form, and an online screening room showing students' ...
Summer School in Film making (Popularity: )
Course details, prices and application form for this course taught at the University of Melbourne, Australia each January.
EICAR Film School (Popularity: )
A private college, situated in Paris, offers a curriculum based on state-controlled educational programs for the advanced study of cinema ...
Columbia College - Hollywood (Popularity: )
Offers Bachelor of Arts degrees in Cinema and in Television/Video Production. Programs, admission information, tuition, and background information.
Cityvarsity TV and Multimedia School in Cape Town. (Popularity: )
Established to promote the development of design and production in film, television and multimedia.
Seattle Film Institute (Popularity: )
Offers full-time and part-time classes in all aspects of film production, screenwriting, and digital video. Programs, faculty, student profiles, and ...
American Film Institute (Popularity: )
AFI's Center for Advanced Film and Television Studies features graduate programs in cinematography, directing, editing, producing, production design and screenwriting.