Aditya Homoeopathic Hospital (Popularity: )
Nowadays, many people opt for homeopathic treatment for kidney failure in Maharashtra. They find homeopath to be quite effective as ...
American College of Surgeons (Popularity: )
A scientific and educational association of surgeons that was founded in 1913 to improve the quality of care for the ...
American Lung Association (Popularity: )
Oldest voluntary health organization in the United States, with a National Office and constituent and affiliate associations around the country. ...
American Medical Association - AMA (Popularity: )
Journals, research, medical ethics, membership information
American Medical Group Association (Popularity: )
Trade association representing approximately 300 multi-specialty medical group members composed of approximately 67,000 physicians
American Medical Publishers' Association (Popularity: )
Provides for the exchange of information among its members, hosts continuing education seminars, publishes a newsletter, and represents the industry ...
American Society of Extra-Corporeal Technology (Popularity: )
Nonprofit association providing continuing medical education services and professional support to perfusionists and extracorporeal technologists.
Ashtead Private Hospital (Popularity: )
Ashtead Hospital is one of Surrey's leading private health care providers. Our services include Hernia Surgery, Shoulder Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery ...
Association of Health Care Office Management (Popularity: )
Specializing in networking and education for professionals in physician practice management.
Association of Medical Directors of Information Systems (Popularity: )
A professional organization dedicated to the promotion, development and sharing of information between physicians responsible for organizationl leadership in information ...
Berkshire Independent Hospital (Popularity: )
The Berkshire Independent Hospital is one of Reading's leading private hospitals with an excellent reputation for delivering high quality healthcare ...
Best Orthopedic Hospital in India | Ortho Care in Bangalore | Orthopedic Treatment in Bangalore (Popularity: )
Manipal Hospitals is the best orthopedic hospital in India. Avail the best Ortho Care in Bangalore and enjoy the finer ...
Cancer Treatment India (Popularity: )
Medical tourism in India: hospitals, clinics, prices, information on the health system in India, and more.Medical travelers come to India ...
Center For Medical Consumers (Popularity: )
The Center is a unique not for profit, independent organization whose only agenda is informing and helping to protect members ...
CHAI – Clinton Health Access Initiatives (Popularity: )
One of Clinton Health Access Initiative’s programs is to reduce the cost of medicines. Now with over 70 countries benefiting ...
CHOICE Hotlines (Popularity: )
Offers confidential reproductive health, children's health and HIV/AIDS counseling, information and referrals.
Clinical Data Management Services (Popularity: )
Worksure expert clinical data management services make every part of the research data management process more efficient and predictable.Clinical Data ...
Community Health Charities (Popularity: )
National organization representing 61 of America's leading health charities providing patient services, community outreach and education.
Contract Research Organization (Popularity: )
A contract research organization has clinical research coordinators & associates that supervise all types of clinical trials & other research ...
Dr. Shroff's Charity Eye Hospital (Popularity: )
Best eye hospital in Delhi/NCR.Pioneer in Lasik,Cataract,Glaucoma,Cornea,Vitreo-Retina,Oculoplasty and paediatric ophthalmology.This institution is very well known in India for its professionalism,updated ...