Virtual Clearinghouse on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (Popularity: )
This site is a collaborative effort of a number of organizations with interest in disseminating credible information about the nature, ...
Substance Abuse (Popularity: )
Explore the complicated disease of addiction. Information on basic questions concerning drugs and addiction. From About.com.
The Alcoholism and Addictions Resource Directory (Popularity: )
Comprehensive directory of drug rehabs, addiction and alcoholism treatment programs, detox centers, sober houses and adolescent drug treatment.
Southworth Associates (Popularity: )
Working with corporations, individuals and families to provide intervention and monitoring services for individuals with substance abuse and mental health ...
The Centre for Recovery (Popularity: )
A UK website about drug and alcohol abuse. A specialised treatment agency offering support and information for those affected by ...
Behavioral Research Center of the Southwest (Popularity: )
Non-profit agency that researches substance abuse and other behavioral health issues. A major focus is the impact of cultural factors ...
Sober24 (Popularity: )
Dedicated to providing information, services, and products to individuals and families in recovery, promoting a sober lifestyle while having fun.
Self-Help for Overcoming Addictions (Popularity: )
Practical information on breaking addictions, techniques for reducing stress and improving spirituality.
Australian Drug Information Network (ADIN) (Popularity: )
A central point of access to quality alcohol and drug resources. Search, links and FAQs.