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           15 February, 2025
Category:  Health »  Animal »  Alternative Medicine »  Vibrational Healing SUBMIT A SITE | Suggest A Category |  Search Category

Vibrational Healing

Records 1-8 of 8
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T-Touch (Popularity: )
Linda Tellington Jones - T-Touch Equine Awareness Method can help you create a more wonderful partnership with your horse, dog, ...

SENSE (Popularity: )
Based on the Feldenkrais Method for people, SENSE can improve animals' well-being, athletic performance, and behavior through the use of ...

Rays of Healing Light (Popularity: )
Rev. Nedda Wittels is a telepathic Animal Communicator, Spiritual Counselor, and Shamballa Master/Teacher, offering private sessions in communication and healing ...

Adam Shereston (Popularity: )
Horse Healing and Whispering.

A Healing Animal Alternative (Popularity: )
Animal distance energy healing for all disorders and injuries, by Usui Reiki Master and Graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute ...

Spirit Healer Carla Person (Popularity: )
Animal communication and shamanic healing for pets, companion animals and people.

Spirit to Spirit (Popularity: )
Joanna Beth Seere is a telepathic animal communicator and spiritual Integrated Kabbalistic Healer who works with all species of animals.

Distance Healer (Popularity: )
Since 1983, Susan Grey has been a conduit of healing for a group of non-physical healers.