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Academic Departments

Records 1-16 of 16
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University of Pittsburgh - Intelligent Systems Program (Popularity: )
Interdisciplinary education and research in artificial intelligence and cognitive science.

University of Alberta - Biological Computation Project (Popularity: )
Research on artificial neural networks, and cognitive science.

German Research Center for AI (Popularity: )
Deduction and multiagent systems, information management and document analysis, intelligent user interfaces, intelligent visualization and simulation systems, language technology.

University of Hamburg -Cognitive Systems Group (Popularity: )
Information on cognitive systems research.

Univ. of Waterloo Logic Programming and AI Group (Popularity: )
Research in natural language processing, knowledge representation, machine translation, probabilistic reasoning, and planning.

Northwestern University -Qualitative reasoning group (Popularity: )
Explores the nature of common sense reasoning including qualitative modeling of physical phenomena, analogical reasoning and learning, and creating educational ...

University of Georgia - Artificial Intelligence Center (Popularity: )
Research on logic programming, expert systems, neural nets, genetic algorithms, and natural language processing.

The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (Popularity: )
Nonprofit research institute in the artificial-intelligence field. Includes information, news, and research.

Institute of Artificial Intelligence (Popularity: )
Information on artificial intelligence and robotics research

University of Barcelona - Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (Popularity: )
Information on research in Learning Systems, Intelligent Agents, Logical Reasoning and Search, Electronic Markets, Autonomous Robots, and AI applications in ...

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (Popularity: )
Research in constraint satisfaction, model-based reasoning, case-based reasoning, intelligent agents, and natural language processing.

University of Edinburgh - Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation (Popularity: )
Theoretical and empirical study of brain processes and artificial learning systems.

Stanford University: The Stanford Logic Group (Popularity: )
Information about current research and publications related to logical approaches to knowledge representation and inference in artificial intelligence.

National Technical University of Athens - Intelligent Systems Laboratory (Popularity: )
Information on research, development and education in computational intelligence for pattern recognition and machine learning.

Piraeus University - Decision Support Systems Lab (Popularity: )
Research, publications, and courses on intelligent decision support systems.

University of Ljubljana - Articifial Intelligence Laboratory (Popularity: )
Research in machine learning, inductive logic programming, neural networks, and AI applications in system control, and qualitative reasoning.