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Category:  Health »  Occupational Health and Safety »  Government Agencies »  North America SUBMIT A SITE | Suggest A Category |  Search Category

North America

Records 1-20 of 20
Order by  Date Added  |  Popularity  |  Alphabet
US - - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Popularity: )
The CDC maintains several departments concerned with occupational safety and health, such as the Center for Injury Prevention and Control, ...

US - - Department of Labor - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (Popularity: )
OSHA is the main federal agency charged with the enforcement of safety and health legislation. OSHA is focusing on four ...

US - - Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) (Popularity: )
Independent Federal agency created to decide contests of citations or penalties resulting from OSHA inspections of workplaces in the US.

Canada - British Columbia - Workers' Compensation Board of BC (WCB) (Popularity: )
Agency responsible for inspection, prevention, information, training, compensation, and rehabilitation activities in the province.

Canada - Alberta - Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) (Popularity: )
Nonprofit agency entirely financed by employers' contributions, and responsible for the compensation of workers' occupational injuries and diseases, as well ...

Canada - Saskatchewan - Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) (Popularity: )
Independent government agency responsible for the no-fault system of compensation and rehabilitation of occupational accidents and diseases. The agency also ...

Canada - Manitoba - Workers' Compensation Board of Manitoba (WCB) (Popularity: )
The WCB is a non-profit mutual accident and disability insurance agency established by legislation, maintained in partnership between workers and ...

Canada - Prince Edward Island - Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island (Popularity: )
Agency responsible for the compensation of occupational accidents and diseases, as well as for prevention activities in the province.

Canada - Nova Scotia - Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) of Nova Scotia (Popularity: )
The mission of the WCB is to coordinate the workers' compensation system to assist injured workers and their employers by ...

Canada - Yukon Territory - Workers' Compensation, Health and Safety Board (WCHSB) (Popularity: )
Employer funded agency responsible for the compensation of occupational accidents and injuries, as well as for workplace prevention activities.

Canada - Québec - Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) (Popularity: )
Provincial agency responsible for inspection, prevention, compensation, and rehabilitation activities with respect to safety and health in the workplace. French-language ...

Workforce Safety and Insurance (Popularity: )
This agency provides compensation, as well as safety training and education, and help with the implementation of risk management programs.

Canada - Northwest Territories/Nunavut - Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) (Popularity: )
Agency responsible for occupational safety and health activities (inspection, training, information) as well as for the compensation of workplace accidents ...

Canada - - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) (Popularity: )
Canadian federal government agency, based in Hamilton, Ontario. It promotes a safe and healthy working environment by providing information and ...

US - Louisiana - Louisiana Department of Labor (Popularity: )
The site has limited information on workmen's compensation program in the state.

US - Nevada - Department of Business and Industry - Division of Industrial Relations (Popularity: )
The Division promotes and enforces safety in the workplace. Should injury occur, the Division ensures the timely and appropriate delivery ...

US - Nevada - Department of Business and Industry - Safety Consultation and Training Section (SCATS) (Popularity: )
This agency provides workplace safety assistance services to Nevada employers.

US - Mississippi - Mississippi Workers' Compensation Commission (MWCC) (Popularity: )
The workers' compensation system was created to provide a measured level of benefits to employees injured in the course of ...

US - Ohio - Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) (Popularity: )
In addition to providing compensation to victims of occupational accidents and diseases, this Bureau also conducts programs in occupational hygiene, ...

US - South Carolina - SC OSHA Office (Popularity: )
The mission of this department is to ensure the safety and health of employees through compliance inspections, recordkeeping, and the ...