You Can Quit Smoking (Popularity: )
Come and discover and effective method to quit smoking. I am also launching a campaign called Quash It to make ...
Smoke Free Forever (Popularity: )
Offers a quit-smoking program for spas.
Clean Break Online (Popularity: )
Online course with a cognitive approach and one-on-one phone support.
WhyQuit - Cold Turkey Quitting (Popularity: )
A support group quitting forum and education program devoted to the science, psychology and art of abrupt nicotine cessation.
The Habitrol Stop Smoking System (Popularity: )
Vendor of "the patch". Focus is on a smoking cessation program that combines development of a personalized program with behavioral ...
Nicotinell (Popularity: )
Information about quitting smoking using Nicotinell. Provided by its manufacturer, Novartis.
Anti-smoking group Tobaccofree.org, founded by advcate Patrick Reynolds (RJ Reynolds' anti-tobacco grandson) (Popularity: )
Anti-smoking group offers youth a tobacco prevention message for grades 6-12, educational videos, quit smoking tips, anti-tobacco motivational speakers, and ...
Teens Against Smoking in Kansas (Popularity: )
Kansas youth speaking out about big tobacco companies. Join with other teens in Kansas and help create one strong voice ...
American College of Chest Physicians (Popularity: )
It's the chest physician, the cardiac specialist, or the oncologist, that breaks the prognosis to the family. This website goes ...
VicHealth Centre for Tobacco Control (Popularity: )
Conducts research and undertakes policy development work designed to advance tobacco control efforts in Australia and internationally. This site provides ...
smokefreeVCU.org (Popularity: )
Smokefree organization at Virginia Commonwealth University; site features smokefree stories, quit help, posters on smoking and quitting, behavioral strategies for ...
tobaccofreedom.org (Popularity: )
Education, news, research, and analysis.
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH UK) (Popularity: )
Pressure group and registered UK charity, lobbying for a comprehensive national programme to tackle the epidemic of tobacco-related diseases. Excellent ...
Asthma, Tobacco, Air Quality, Asthma Clinical Research Center, Tuberculosis (Popularity: )
The mission of the American Lung Association of Metropolitan Chicago is to reduce the pain and suffering caused by lung ...
Tobacco Dependence Program (Popularity: )
Dedicated to reducing the harm to health caused by tobacco, through education, treatment, research and advocacy; a program of the ...
SAVE: Empowering Survivors of Tobacco Sickness (Popularity: )
Trains survivors of tobacco-related illness to speak with children and teens in schools and community groups about smoking and the ...
American Lung Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties (Popularity: )
Local branch of the American Lung Association. Health information about lung disease and health, plus local programs and services.
Smokenders Australia website (Popularity: )
Instructional and group program; claims 92% success rate, but doesn't mention how or when that number was arrived at. The ...
Dr. Jeff's Quit Commit Program (Popularity: )
Aims to help people of all ages to quit smoking cigarettes or stop using other forms of tobacco. Tools, resources, ...
I-quit-smoking.com (Popularity: )
Interesting wrinkle: provides a web-based email address yourname@i-quit-smoking.com in connection with their quitsmoking.com bulletin board. Don't look here for critical ...