occasional essays on various topics

Recent updates:
2024.0430: 2024.04 minutiae
2024.0417: 2019 Skandies (complete)
2024.0205: 50
2024.0130: To Kill a Mockingbird
2023.1104: The Planets

interactive fiction
stories in which you get to participate

Endless, Nameless: my IF magnum opus
Narcolepsy: Xyzzy for Best Writing
Varicella: four Xyzzies, including Best Game
Photopia: voted best IF of all time (2015 poll)
...and several more

conventional prose
stuff you can read without entering commands

my novel, Ready, Okay!
the ever-popular Wikipedia Brown, Boy Detective
a ton of juvenilia
...and various odds and ends

now playing: Evil Creatures

Recent updates:
2014.07: part ten: “Thickly Settled”
2014.03: part nine: “More Than Meets the Eye II”
2012.08: part eight: “Fortune Teller”
2012.05: part seven: “Explosions”
2011.09: part six: “Room Service”

new adventures in lo‑fi

Most recent updates:
Radio K: Ask/Tell #15 (2023.0904)
Radio K: Calen‑deliria #3 (2021.1027)

…plus some rock and/or roll songs

restaurant and cookbook reviews

Most recent updates:
2024.0428: 8  Gangnam Tofu (El Cerrito)
2024.0427: 12  ¡Duende! (Oakland)
2024.0426: 7  Catastrophe Pizza (Oakland)
2024.0424: 5  Noor (Oakland)
2024.0423: 9  Taqueria La Venganza (Oakland)

stuff that didn’t fit anywhere else

Recent updates:
2023.1225: Fake Roy Lichtenstein Diptych in CGA
2023.0621: 2023 Lyttle Lytton winners
2023.0609: Names
2023.0203: Annotated list of favorite songs
2013.0101: Stochastic Planet

contact information
should you want to email me for some reason
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