The Clan MacMillan Society of Australia
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New UPDATED Clan MacMillan Of Australia Site Here

The Index's on this site have been freely given by Members and Friend's of the MacMillan Clan of Australia. The information was compiled in many cases without the knowledge that we could use it on this site. Although all care has been taken we apologise for any error's we may have made in their transcribing.

Motto: Miseris succurrere disco - "I learn to succour the distressed"
Arms: Or, a lion rampant Sable, armed and langued Gules, and in chief three mullets Azure
Badge: A lion's head erased Sable gorged with a collar Or charged with three mullets Azure.
Crest:A dexter and a sinister hand issuing from the wreath grasping and brandishing
aloft a two-handed sword Proper.
Tartans: MacMillan; MacMillan hunting; Modern MacMillan
Plant Badge: Holly seedling fructed Proper.


The Clan MacMillan Society was founded in 1983 and aims to foster kinship between members of the MacMillan Clan and the various Septs. There are a number of family names that belong to the Clan and they include MacMillan, Macmillan, McMillan, McMullan, McMullen, McMullin, Millen. There are 204 spelling variations known. Associated Sept names include Bell, Baxter, Brown, and Walker.

Our Clan Chief, George MacMillan of MacMillan and Knap lives at ‘Finlaystone’, Langbank, which is 30 kilometers west of Glasgow. Clan MacMillan members visiting Scotland are welcome to visit the Clan Centre at Finlaystone. The Clan Centre employs a historian and genealogist, Graeme McKenzie, who is coordinating the work of the Clan Centre, managing the archives of the Clan, and through Project MAOL (MacMillan Ancestry On Line) he is producing a data base of Clan genealogical information. His assistant is Pauline Simpson.

Our Clan Society belongs to the Victorian Council of Clans and Scots Victoria. Members attend various Highland Games providing information to interested people. The main gathering of the Society is usually in October when we have our Annual General Meeting in Melbourne. It is an opportunity to compare family trees and exchange ideas about filling the gaps. Members outside Melbourne may not be able to always attend but we keep in touch through our Quarterly newsletter as well as letters and phone calls. Annual fees are $15.00 per person or family.

We would welcome your membership of the Clan Society, and are always interested in new ideas and approaches. As the Society is a national organisation we are appreciative of any names we could contact in rural Victoria or other states or territories.

Membership Details
Membership of the Clan MacMillan Society is by Subscription. The fee for 2005-2006 is Fifteen Dollars. If you would like to join please send your details with a cheque or money order to the Treasurer, details below.

See for yourself some interesting Photos taken by one of our Members, Russell Harrison and set up by Bryan Keddy with our thanks.
Photos at Finlaystone 2000

Office Bearers

President: June Danks

Secretary: Myrna Robertson:<

Treasurer: June Senior:
41 Lincoln Avenue,Glen Waverly, Victoria, Australia. 3150

Web Master:If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please e-mail
Kaye O'Reilly
Visit Kaye's Home page

Some "Stories" concerning McMillan's...

Archibald McMillan and Katherine McTaggert were a Kintyre family who moved from Clonaig to Australia with their ten children......
Their only daughter Christina's story is here.

James was the youngest son of Alexander McMillan and Ann McLean, born on the 25th March in Corpach......His story is here

Clan MacMillan's Minnesota Branch has become
"Clan MacMillan North Central States." Their branch encompasses Wisconsin, Iowa and the Dakotas as well as Minnesota.

Visit the Glengarry and Ottawa Valley Branch of the CLAN MACMILLAN Society of North America

The official Clan MacMillan, Pacific Branch, Southern District, home page CALIFORNIA

The Appalachain Branch of Clan MacMillan.
is here

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