You spent 8 hours at work, an hour stuck in traffic, and they gave you the wrong order at the drive-up window.
Which music would you rather read?
An example of handwritten manuscript
Or this?
holy_small (19K)
Click here to see a multi-measure comparison
   An illegible manuscript doesn't do anybody any good...
...and no matter how careful you are with your notation, reproduction can still be a problem.
   At Desktop Music Service, we believe that your music is important. That's why we specialize in music typesetting and music editing, so that your instrumental, vocal, or choral music can be performed and enjoyed by others.
   Whether you are a music publisher, or a budding tune smith, your manuscripts can be transformed into clean, typeset copy that looks, and reads, just the way you want it.
   Using Finale, we can supply you with specialized fonts for titles, music editing marks, and alternate music notation.
     Best of all, your finished score can be produced at any size you desire and will be camera ready for best reproduction.

   Don't have another rehearsal bog down while the performers try to decipher what they should do next...
Contact Desktop Music Service today.
For further information:
Music Typesetting
Obtaining Service
Music Editing