April 18th, 2003

Well, after years of not having enough time to support or update eCleaner, I'm sorry to say I've come to the realization that I'll probably never get around to making another version of eCleaner, especially since I almost never receive any e-mails anymore that contains '>' symbols.

Most modern e-mail programs don't insert '>' into forwarded messages anymore. Instead, we now get an attached message containing an attached message contained an attached message, ad infinitum...

Anyway, for those of you who are still interested in finding a copy of the old program, here's a link to eCleaner (v2.02), although it looks like there's a bandwidth limit on free accounts, so it might not allow very many downloads of this file.

Feel free to pass on this program or re-distribute it (as freeware) on your website.


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