Michelle's Barbies

My Collection

Favorite Barbie Links

Guest Book Page

Barbie News

2003 Line

Reference Books

Barbie Printables


This site contains information for anyone interested in the greatest doll of all time BARBIE! I've been collecting for 10 years and I have acquired much information about my favourite doll and would like to share it along with some pictures of my collection. My name is Michelle, I live in Canada and I am a member of the Barbie Collectors Club of Alberta. I'm not an expert on the subject but I feel I have researched it thoroughly and would like to share the information I've gained with fellow collectors.

I know as of late I have not been updating this site.  Now I will try and update it as much as possible.  Thanks for your patience!


Barbie Doll's Family Tree

1964-today Skipper:little sister
1966-1976 Francie:cousin
1966-1971 Tutti:sister
1966-1968 Todd:brother
1989 Jazzie:cousin
1992-today Stacie:sister
1995-today Kelly:sister
1999-today Krissy:sister


1961-today Ken:boyfriend
1963-today Midge:best friend
1964-today Allan:Midge's boyfriend
1968-today Christie
1968-1970 Stacey:British chum
1969-today P.J.
1970 Brad
1970-1972 Jamie
1972-1973 Steffie
1973-1976 Kelley(friend not sister)
1975-1978 Cara
1975 Curtis:boyfriend of Cara
1983-today Tracy
1983-today Todd:fiance of Tracy
1986 Dana:Barbie and the Rockers
1986 Diva:Barbie and the Rockers
1986 Dee Dee:Barbie and the Rockers
1986 Derek:Barbie and the Rockers
1987-today Whitney
1987 Miko
1988 Bopsy:Barbie and the Sensations
1988 Belinda:Barbie and the Sensations
1988 Becky
1988-today Teresa
1988 Steven:boyfriend of Christie
1989 Kayla
1989-today Nikki
1989 Devon
1990-today Kira
1990 Nia
1993 Tara Lyn
1994-today Shani
1997-today Becky
1997-today Tommy:little brother of Ken
1999 Ana:Generation Girl
1999 Chelsie:Generation Girl
1999 Laura:Generation Girl
1999 Nichelle:Generation Girl
1999 Tori:Generation Girl

#1 #2 Barbies? What is that about?
When Barbie first came out the original ponytail Barbies were numbered from 1-5. The #1 Barbie came out in 1959 and had white irises, blue liner and holes in her feet, the #2 Barbie was exactly the same and came out in 1959 but without holes in her feet. The #3 Barbie came out in 1960 and had blue irises and more gentley curved eyebrows also in 1960 the #4 Barbie was produced which was made of a new vinyl that retains its colour over time. The last of the ponytail Barbies is the #5 doll which was made 1961 and had a new hair texture and a hollow body.


<br><BGSOUND SRC="http://members.tripod.com/~LadyRogue/midis/sugarsugar.mid"><br>

This site is listed at Collect-Online.Com

Feature Doll of the Month

Our feature doll for November is the new, exquisitely done Barbie as Galadriel in the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.  Fans of both the books and the movies will love this very well done doll.  Her attire and face paint are very authentic and even some friends of mine who are extremely enthusiastic stic about the Lord of the Rings were impressed.   They said that usually toys, dolls and figurines based on the characters are poorly done.  The things that impressed them were the small details such as the shell necklace she wears, the mash in her dress, her long pale hair and skin and especially her pointed ears.  Whether your a fan (the movie profits show there are millions) or you just like beautiful, detailed dolls, this one is the choice for you!

A picture of this doll is to the side. For more information or to buy the doll, click below.

Buy It Now!

Interesting Facts
Did you know that the original Barbie doll sold for around $ 3.00 and today sells for over $ 10,000.00!

The image and name of "Barbie" are copyrighted and trademarked by Mattel. This web site is in no way affiliated with Mattel.

Collectors Abbreviations
There are many common abbreviations that collectors use in order to describe Barbie dolls in catalogues. Here are some of the most popular ones:
A/O-all original
HTF- hard to find
LE-limited edition(less than 35,000 worldwide)
MIB-mint in box
MIP-mint in package
MNB-mint no box
NM-nearly mint
NRFB-never removed from box
O/S/S-original swimsuit
TNT-twist and turn waist
R/T-retouched (repainted)
EC-excellent condition
PC-poor condition
SL-straight leg
BL-bent leg
If you have any more to add please email me at: