With a New Year comes New Opportunity

Over the coming year we will be talking about this being the 300th Anniversary of Modern Masonry. At Roger Lacey we will be talking about how do we truly become better men and become better within the Craft. I pray that every Brother, from Roger Lacey or another Lodge, takes this year to reflect on themselves and remember the obligations that we took.

We call each other Brothers and as such we are Family and this year will be a Family Reunion. I am calling on all of my Brothers to come to Roger Lacey and be a part of this reunion. I know that many of you have not been to Lodge for one reason or another, it is time to come home and meet your new Brothers and reconnect with older ones. My phone is always on and my door is always open. If you know of anyone who needs a ride or a welcoming conversation, I want to know. I am looking forward to see each and every one of you on Monday.

~ Michael W. Johnson, Worshipful Master 2017

58th Annual Communication


On Monday, December 12, 2016 we will be holding our 58th Annual Communication at the York Rite Building on DeRenne Ave in Savannah, GA. Dinner will be served at 6:30 PM and all Master Masons will be allowed to enter the Lodge Room at 7:30 PM. All non-Master Masons will be allowed to enter the Lodge Room once the Lodge is opened.

Time to reflect

It was good to hear that out Brothers made it through Hurricane Matthew okay. From the time Matthew left our great city the people have started to come together. It didn’t matter if they were rich or poor or black or white, we came together as people, God’s people. This is what Masonry is all about. We strive to turn a good man into the BEST man that he can be.

Now that we are starting to get back to our normal lives let’s not go back to the people we were. Let’s remember that we are all God’s children and that we need to remember that the only reason a Mason looks down on another man is to help him up. I know that we remember this with other Masons but to be a truly great man we need to remember to do this towards all mankind! We need to remember that we are the chosen men who have been able to become Masons. That is an awesome responsibility to make sure that our brotherhood will be here for when our sons and grandsons are of age and follow in our path. We need to be those men that little boys look up to and want to become one day. We need to remember that there is someone always watching and we will be judged on our deeds here on Earth. Live your life in Faith, Hope, and Charity.

Michael Johnson, Sr. Warden 2016