
Located in Appomattox County, Virginia, Appomattox Soccer Association (ASA) is a completely volunteer-run organization that offers a recreational youth soccer program to children ages 2 1/2 through 18.

Spring registration has ended. We hope you will join us for fall soccer. Registration will be July 1-15, 2024 

Some pointers for a successful soccer season please also visit www.cvrsa.org and www.vysa.com for additional requirements and guidance:

— Players should arrive on time for practice and games, in proper gear
— Send your child with something to drink for practice and games
— Shin guards are mandatory, must be age/size appropriate and must be worn inside long socks (U6 and up)
–All jewelry, including earrings, watches, necklaces, and hard barrettes must be removed (per CVRSA rules; referees will enforce removal or player will be ineligible to play)
— Dress for the weather — layers may be appropriate as the weather in Virginia varies
— Have fun!

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your child’s coaches first.

Find us on Facebook (Appomattox Soccer Association) to stay informed of ASA updates, and feel free to “tag” our page when posting any pictures from the season.

Please review the following updates to game formats and rules effective Fall 2016: CVRSA Game Formats and Concussion Facts.

For inclement weather, you can check if the soccer fields are open (home and away) by visiting CVRSA’s website: cvrsa.org