Brad Trackman

"His insight into the craft is dead on. That's all you really need to know."

- Allan Havey
(HBO one night stand, Countless appearances on the Late Show with David Letterman, Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm)

Image: Demo Reel Watch the Demo Video!
Image: Coaching Options: On the Phone or Skype

•  Do you want comedy coaching for your stand up act?
•  Do you need comedy writing tips for your speeches?
•  Is there no comedy school in your town?

Learn comedy anywhere with phone and Skype comedy training from a working standup!

Stand up comedy is an art form.  It is a craft like dance or theatre, and comedy training is essential.  A comedy teacher can help you develop your act quickly.  Whether you are a beginner and want the fast track on how to be a comedian, an established comic and want to take your career to the next level, or a businessperson and want to get laughs from your audience, Brad Trackman is the standup comedy coach for you!

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Leaf Overlay: Coming Soon Image: Boox & DVD

Book and DVD
by Brad Trackman

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, this book and DVD are your comprehensive guides to the comedy business!