• Wichtiger Hinweis / Important Notice

    Aufgrund von technischen Umbauten im gesamten Haus, können wir derzeit keine Anrufe entgegennehmen. Bei dringenden Angelegenheiten oder Fragen, schreiben Sie uns bitte eine Mail an mail@dai-nuernberg.de

    Due to technical renovations throughout the building, we are currently unable to take any calls. For urgent matters or questions, please send us an email to mail@dai-nuernberg.de

  • Become a PR/Marketing intern at the DAI

    Interns will gain insight into a nonprofit, cultural institute and play an active role in our team! We are currently seeking a university student to support us as a public relations and marketing intern in the areas of social media content creation, PR & advertisement, and graphic design. The available timeframes are between April and the beginning of August 2024. Click here for more information. We look forward to meeting you!


  • Games Night at the DAI

    May 2nd | 7 PM - 10 PM | at the DAI 

    Get ready for an evening of fun and competition as Global Locals e.V. and the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut (DAI) present our Board Games Night on May 2nd from 7 PM - 10 PM.  Whether you’re a seasoned strategist or new to the world of board games, this event promises entertainment for all. Feel free to bring any board games you would like to play as well!

    More information here! 

  • Story Time for Kids

    May 14th, 2024, 15:30-16:30pm at the DAI

    Join us for our Story Time for Kids, an English-language reading session for children between the ages of three and six. Native speakers read stories in English, make arts and crafts projects, sing songs, or play games related to the topic of the book.

    Join us for an afternoon of fun! You can find more information here.


Beratung zu USA-Aufenthalten


Angebote für Schulen

Youth Leadership

DAI Kontakt