Founded in 1997, DarkJedi.Org provides free, stable, and safe communities for PC gamers of all backgrounds.

Community Gaming

We are an international gaming community comprised of individual clubs hosted under a single domain. However, we are more than simply a club hosting service. Our members are held to a high standard and our clubs have grown to be some of the largest and most respected organizations in online gaming. In addition to being a home for gamers of every play style, our staff provides premier services to our members.

Serving the Membership's Wishes

Unlike other gaming communities, our goal isn't to profit - we're here to serve the gaming community. Our organization is built and maintained entirely by a staff of volunteers who believe in gaming together. They are dedicated to offering the DJO membership the services out of any gaming community around.

Excellence in Online Gaming

We are committed to building long-term communities. While games and clans are known to come and go, DJO and some of its gaming divisions have been around for almost 20 years. Our members can rest assured the community will be here for years to come.

Game on. Together.