10 Golden Rules for Autism Recovery

Here are the 10 golden rules for autism recovery. Rule one – Have Hope The first and foremost rule for autism recovery is to have abundant hope. After making the diagnosis of autism, a doctor concluding or saying directly to the parents that there is no recovery path for autistic children is not right. Saying that autism is not recoverable and breaking the hope of parents is not fair as recoveries do happen in autism cases as cleared by different, recent research. It is only hope that keeps … [Read More...]

Save your Kid from Adenoid Surgery – Homeopathic Medicines are the Best Bet

If your child constantly has a blocked nose, breathes from the mouth or snores, chances are there that he/ she might have enlarged adenoids. Adenoid enlargement is a problem affecting children, those in the 3-10 years age group are the most vulnerable. But what does enlarged adenoids mean? It refers to the enlargement of adenoids i.e. the lymphoid tissue located at the junction of the back of the nose and throat. Like tonsils, they are a part of the body’s immune system and play a major role in … [Read More...]

10 Golden Rules for Autism Recovery

Here are the 10 golden rules for autism recovery. Rule one – Have Hope The first and foremost rule for autism recovery is to have abundant hope. After making the diagnosis of autism, a doctor concluding or saying directly to the parents that there is no recovery path for autistic children is not right. Saying that autism is not recoverable and breaking the hope of parents is not fair as recoveries do happen in autism cases as cleared by different, recent research. It is only hope that keeps … [Read More...]

Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety

Anxiety refers to a mental state of nervousness, fear and worry. Getting anxious once in a while on certain occasions is normal, like getting anxious before an examination or interview or during stressful events. The anxiety on such occasions is short-lived and temporary, but it becomes a problem when the reaction of the person is intense and disproportionate to what one usually expects. If episodes of such extreme anxiety appear frequently, they tend to interfere with the day to day life of a … [Read More...]

What Causes White Spots On Tonsils And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Tonsils are masses of lymphoid tissues located in the back of the throat, one on each side, right and left. They function as a first line of defense mechanism to fight germs, bacteria and virus that might get inhaled or ingested. Tonsils are very much prone to get inflamed, swollen and infected. In some cases, there may occur white spots on the tonsils. This may happen from different causes. The first reason that can cause white spots on the tonsils is tonsillitis. It refers to inflammation of … [Read More...]

5 Best Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD

Homeopathic medicines for ADHD  can be effective in treating it . Homeopathic medicines can help in controlling hyperactivity and improving … [Read More...]

Latest Posts By Dr. Sharma

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Solar Urticaria

Solar urticaria is a rare skin condition characterised by an itchy, red rash on the skin on exposure to sunlight. The rash develops a few minutes after exposure to the sun. Solar urticaria is also known by the name of sun allergy. Solar urticaria does not occur due to the heat of the sun but […]

How To Fight Diabetes Fatigue With Homeopathy

Diabetes can lead to many health issues and one important among them is fatigue. Fatigue means a feeling of exhaustion, tiredness, and lack of energy all the time. People having diabetes can have intense fatigue that hinders day-to-day life activities. Fatigue is different from tiredness as it is persistent and does not get better from […]

What Are Liver Spots And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Liver spots, also called sun spots, refer to small, flat spots of relatively dark color on the skin. These mainly form on the skin area exposed to sun like face, arms and hands. These may have dark brown, gray, black or tan color. These are harmless but one may seek their treatment for cosmetic reasons. […]

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Perianal Burning

Perianal burning refers to burning sensation felt around the anus. It is very discomforting. Perianal burning can happen due to various reasons. Improper cleaning of the anal area after passing the stool can result in skin irritation and burning around anus. On the contrary intense cleaning and scrubbing can damage the anal region and result […]

What are comedones and its homeopathic remedies

Comedones or comedonal acne refer to small, dark, white or flesh-colored bumps on the skin resulting from blockage of the hair follicles by sebum (an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands) and the dead skin cells. Comedones are one of the different types of acne. The most common location of comedones is the forehead […]

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Diabetic Foot Ulcer

Diabetes predisposes a person to several skin complaints. One of the common complaints among these is foot ulcers. Diabetic foot ulcer refers to an open wound that may form on the feet in persons having diabetes. Diabetes damages the nerves in the feet (peripheral neuropathy) that results in decreased sensation of pain in the feet. […]

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines For Edema

Edema also known as dropsy and fluid retention refers to fluid build-up in the tissues of the body. It usually affects legs, feet and ankles though other body parts can also be affected by it like hands, face, eyelids, etc. Edema can be pitting (when a swollen part of the body has a dimple after […]

What is Spongiotic Dermatitis And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Dermatitis refers to inflammation of the skin. When dermatitis is accompanied by swelling from fluid build-up in the skin it is termed as spongiotic eczema. Any skin area can be affected by this dermatitis. This can occur on a localised area of the skin or can be present on a much bigger skin surface. In […]

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Puffiness Under Eyes

Puffiness under the eyes, also called bags under the eyes, is a very common problem. It refers to swelling under the eyes. Depending on the cause of puffiness, it can be accompanied by other symptoms like eye discharge, itchy eyes, watering from eyes, redness of eyes and dry eyes. In some cases, this may occur […]

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Oily Scalp

Oil (sebum) is naturally produced in our body by the sebaceous glands on the skin and scalp. It has a moisturising and protective function. When there is an increased production of sebum on the scalp, it leads to oily scalp (seborrhoea). This may be attended with some other complaints as well. These include itching, bad […]

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Weakness After Childbirth

Weakness after childbirth is medically termed as postpartum fatigue. Quite common, it has a negative impact on the well-being and emotional health of a woman. Postpartum fatigue symptoms include feeling extremely tired, exhausted, lack of energy, mood swings, poor concentration, anxiety and low mood. Other symptoms include body aches, joint pains, backache, decreased motivation and […]

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Hair Dye Allergy

Allergies can occur due to various reasons, in some cases chemicals in the hair dye can result in an allergic reaction. The symptoms of hair dye allergy can be mild to severe. Hair dye allergies are a result of an overreaction of the immune system to the chemicals present in the hair dye. PPD (paraphenylenediamine), […]

Toothache From Sinus Infection? Try These Homeopathic Medicines

Sinus infection refers to infection of the paranasal sinuses (air–filled spaces present in the skull bone) from infection by bacteria or viruses. A sinus infection (sinusitis) can result in various kind of symptoms with toothache being one among them. Sinus infections can cause pain in the upper teeth due to the involvement of the sinuses […]

Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines To Get Relief From Back Pain After C – Section

There are many health issues that a woman experiences after childbirth, especially after C–section (cesarean section). Back pain is one of the most common health problems that a woman may face. There are several reasons behind this kind of backache. One among these is the impact of the epidural injection given in the spine to […]

Different Types Of Neck Injuries And Their Homeopathic Remedies

Neck injuries may vary from mild to severe. Any of the structures in the neck may be affected due to a neck injury like muscles, tendons (bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones), ligaments (bands of tissue that connect one bone to another), bones, joints, or nerves. The symptoms of neck injury may include […]

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