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at 10:30am!

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Next Service

Spring Festival

We’ll be talking about blooming and celebrating the uniqueness in each of us. There will be a flower ceremony (everyone is encouraged to bring flowers!) and a new member ceremony (woohoo!!). There will also be a potluck after platform!

All are welcome to join us at … read more.

Our Stories

Deepening Circles gives me a chance to hear people in a unique way. The people are not my spouse, my kids, my co-workers, or my friends. We  talk about topics that I don’t talk about in normal life–like “how have I healed?”, “things I’ve learned from people I didn’t expect to learn anything from,” (e.g., the value of sports-talk radio), and “what makes each of us worthy”.  Even from people I would never have selected to have extended conversations with, I get to hear how they think and feel, how some of them have remarkable experiences I could never have imagined, and sometimes they say things that spark an insight about who I am.