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Thank you for coming by. Fabric Marketing Research is the premiere source of information for the entire apparel, textile and related soft goods industries. Nowhere else can you find the quantity and quality of information on fabric producers and apparel manufacturers.

Please note: We are in the process of relaunching The database on web is currently a few months out of date. It is still functional and can still be used to indicate the type of data we offer.

However, If you want a current profile on a specific company, please e-mail us at We will send you the latest profile promptly.

We would need the name of the company and their location, if you know it. We would need your name, company name and contact information to complete the request.

Please make sure your requests pertain to firms that are in the apparel, home furnishing, upholstered furniture, fabric retailers, fashion and home furnishing fabric companies.

If you have any questions, drop us a line a, or you can fill out our e-mail feedback form for your convenience. You can also call at 212-686-2345.

P.S. If you would like to receive, electronically, our latest Info Newsletter just e mail your request.

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Put in the company name and click search. To ensure success, keep your search as simple as possible. For example. If you want to find "Lucky Apparel Co.", try doing a search simply on "Lucky". You can then click on a company name to get more information.

For more detail, you can look for company characteristics. Type in a word or words describing that company, e.g. "jeans" or "wool".

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