Where Human Resource People Meet The Future

Welcome to Frank E. Allen & Associates,LLC where we draw upon decades of field experience as HR executives with Fortune 500 companies. We use our intimate knowledge of your career and personal goals to seek that unique, career-making opportunity. We utilize an extensive network of over 30,000 corporate executives, as well as our in-depth knowledge of relevant industries, and current HR trends. As a result, we are able to match our HR candidates with the right position, the right situation, and the right company. No other search option will serve you this well, this personally.

As a firm specializing in HR, we are successful because we provide the services that each of our individual clients need, better than anyone else. We know the HR market-benefits, compensation, staffing, training, labor relations, domestic, international. We know the people in the HR market - the top echelon corporate HR staffing officers, from the best companies in the world-who don't rely on Internet job sites or mega-search firms to fill their most critical positions. We understand their particular needs and current business situations. They trust our expertise and professionalism.

We conduct a dedicated search on your behalf, performed by one of our market-tested Senior Consultants. Our understanding of your personal situation and objectives are integrated with our knowledge of the opportunities that best correlate with them. We are not satisfied until you are, and we are confident of our ability to serve you!

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