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Mission Statement
Kind Tree Productions Inc. is dedicated to celebrating and supporting individuals with autism and developmental disabilities through the arts, education, recreation and community involvement. More HERE.

Diversity Statement
Diversity is an integral part of our history, culture, and identity, and inclusion is how we unleash the power of diversity. More HERE.

Donate Today.
Grantors can find info HERE and HERE

About KindTree

Founded in 1997 by two group home workers determined to remedy their clients’ lack of meaningful activities, KindTree – Autism Rocks provides support, services, and information to empower and improve the quality of life for individuals and families living with autism, and the professionals who serve them. From its inception, this “grass roots” all volunteer nonprofit has maintained its focus on serving and celebrating people on the autism spectrum through art, education, recreation, and community.

In the past twentysix years, KindTree – Autism Rocks has grown from offering an overnight retreat in the Oregon forest for six adults to becoming a successful 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a 2,000+ distribution list, hundreds of student and community volunteers, and an art program representing musical and visual artists from Lane County and the world. KindTree – Autism Rocks serves many additional individuals through various community recreation programs, social media, support groups, and provides real social events/activities where everyone can feel safe and be themselves.

With warm hearted whimsy, an open sense of family and a deep level of caring, we reach within ourselves to embrace our flaws, gather our strengths, and offer our love, while reaching out to people on the autism spectrum, their families and caregivers, and to our community at large. Through the power of self-advocacy in an atmosphere of acceptance and respect, autistic and neuro-normal people alike can work toward self-realization.

Two young men with autism share their feelings about KindTree – Autism Rocks “Friends & Family Camp”, a place where you can come on your own or with your family and caregivers and be valued, respected, and feel what Heaven is like. Magic happens. Really.

Now MEETING VIA ZOOM or In Person:

  1. The Eugene Peer Support Group, 2nd Mondays, 4:30-6:00pm in-person, with Omo! At St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. 1300 Pearl St, Eugene. Click the link for monthly updates.
  2. Parents of Children on the Autism Spectrum (Online/statewide) Due to low participation in our group, we are sending parents to our partner the Autism Society of Oregon’s Parent Support Groups. See their Calendar HERE.
  3. Every Friday Social, Will you join us for a chat this week?
  4. Social Skills Group Taught by Doris Germain, 3rd Monday of every odd month from 6:30 to 8 pm, with an outing in the Community on even months. Meets at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. 1300 Pearl St, Eugene.
  5. Artist Guild Meeting temporarily suspended

Coming Up:

July 28, 3-5pm, Kesey Square: Autism Rocks Eugene
Music, Art Project and Sales, Get to Know Autism!  More info to come….

Celebrating Autism
Changing Perceptions
Creating Community