Be well and making every interaction matter.

“Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know.”

1 Corinthians 8:2


Native Son

I lived most of my life in a demeaned mindset…believing my circumstances aligned with me being of lessor value than those around me. Aligning with that, I believed empathy, kindness and trust were weaknesses which would expose me to the exploits of the world around me. Therefore, I would limit myself, generating unnecessary stress in an attempt to be someone other than who I was meant to be.

Similar to the “Bigger Thomas” character in Richard Wright’s 1940’s novel, I felt displaced when interacting with anyone outside of my family and community. As I learn to release the chains I keep within my own mind, I’m increasingly presenting my true self, accepting that of which God expected me to receive. Here’s to hoping you are not doing as I did…limiting yourself to that of a native son.