Matt Limb Battlefield Tours

‘ … without a battlefield tour guide like Matt Limb, a battlefield is just a field …’

Who is Matt Limb

With a lifelong interest & passion for a lost generation, I will help you explore the battlefield, but more importantly, I will help you understand why it happened and what part men fought and played in the history of our country.

What is a Battlefield Tour

In simplest terms, a battlefield tour is a visit to the battlefields, but the reasons for visiting are many & varied, you may want to follow a long-lost loved one or understand why a generation felt the need to go.

Planning a Battlefield Tour

A well-planned battlefield tour will be memorable & for some a moving experience, whether you are following in the steps of a long-lost relative or simply want to understand a previous generation.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We Will Remember Them’

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