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Ideas for Teachers using
Turn Tables
Class teachers can use the pairs game, as an interactive group activity in teams of four.

Focus on times tables for all types of learners as the new maths curriculum requires.

Set up a peer mentoring session, perhaps in a weekly registration slot to help weaker students improve.

One-to-One tutors use the individual game to coach students through their weak areas.

Sencos/Intervention leaders set up a times tables support course for students who need it.

Teaching assistants use in small group activities to help students visualise what is meant by times tables.

Maths department set up a weekly use of cards at key stage three and allow students to chart their progress.

Key stage two teachers use the individual game for a peer-coaching activity.

Teaching assistants use the cards as flash cards to reinforce prior learning.

Numeracy co-ordinators teach other staff how to use cards as part of numeracy across the currciculum.

Adult maths teachers use the cards as an alternative way to establish understanding of a concept which students may fear.

For more info on any of these suggestions please email me.
Tips for Parents using
Turn Tables
Play the individual game about twice per week with your son/daughter to help them understand and realise the importance of times tables.

Encourage siblings to play the pairs game together to reinforce their learning and allow them

Magnet the cards your son or daughter are working on to the fridge and encourage then to play before they raid it!

If you are happy with the game then show the box to your child’s teacher to help establish a common approach to your child’s learning.

Do not let your son or daughter finish primary school without understanding times tables. If its too late for that then make it an absolute priority in years seven and eight.

When playing the games with them never say “I was /am no good at times tables!”.

Reward them for their progress.

Remember they need not learn “off by heart” as long as they can work out the answer.

For more info on any of these suggestions please email me.
 Making Sense Of Times Tables
Many people cannot learn times tables by rote (parrot fashion) nor should they be pushed to do so.  They need strategies to help them understand and use times tables quickly and efficiently.  Turn Tables are not a quick fix but will help:

Turn Tables card games are different to many other multiplication resources:
They use the eyes, the visual channel, to see the multiplication diagram, giving students a concrete idea to hold on to;
They use the voice to say the multiplication fact, so using the auditory channel to hear the students own representation of the multiplication fact; and
They use the kinaesthetic channel to touch and turn the cards, giving students tactile memories of the process.

"Turn Tables provides chances for plenty of practice and over-learning, and having used it with both primary- and secondary-aged students I can recommend it as a suitable little resource for any age.  It successfully meets its objective of enabling proficiency in mental recall and boosting confidence and understanding of multiplication facts through a multi-sensory approach.”

Review by Pearl Barnes, training
and assessment consultant and President of NASEN


Call the home of Turn Tables now on 01684 562 131