“The host is the force that brings the stage into being, on which, people and events can then become visible.”
Jan Verwoert, Art Critic and Writer

In all of my creative endeavors, I create a stage upon which my work, my students, and my coaching clients can operate, inventing new possibilities not previously present in the world.

In my art, I use paint as both a medium on canvas and a physical thing in space. I see line as a material deposited on a surface as well as an object in the room to be activated. I create simple directions to effect choreographies. The “stage” of the work can be the gallery walls, floors and ceilings, the ocean, and the intimate spaces of the home as well as canvas and paper.

In my teaching and my professional coaching, I co-create a courageous space with my students and clients in which individuals can grow beyond their pre-conceived notions and discover new powers, new identities, new ways of being in the world, and expressing themselves.

Nancy Murphy Spicer

Photo: First Review Board, School of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, 1988

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