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Sample Post from the History Genre this Month:

Post Author at Pan HistoriaCatherine of Austria posts in Crown of Thorns

The time has come for D. Luis to depart. The goodbyes had been done in the evening, among good music, wine and delicious food. The Emperor had his brother-in-law take the seat of honor, but despite the gesture the Infante’s attention was mostly focused in the Hungarian entourage.

He had permitted himself one final dance with Immacolata Frangepan, in which he contemplated her beautiful face in silence, his eyes saying a lot, but his his lips forced to be shut due to his position. After that he kissed the top of her hand and watched her disappear behind a tapestry, her eyes filled with tears. There was no time to go after her, for he got indulged in one final toast with all his Hungarian companions and with Louis himself.

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