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The church where the Bible still matters.

If you're tired of the division and confusion of modern religion and yearn for the simplicity of truth...or maybe you're just curious as to what we're all about...


Many haven't heard of us but we are a predenominational congregation that strives to adhere to the word of God because we believe the Bible still matters in every aspect of life.
All over the world, more and more people are recognizing they have been lied to for a very long time and now they don't know where to turn. Maybe that's you. Well, you don't have to search anymore.
The Bible is the only thing that remains true in this world and we're always willing to share the truth contained in it.

Our goal will always be to spread the truth and teach others to do the same. But we can't do it alone.

We look forward to working with you!


"...the churches of Christ greet you."
                   -Romans 16:16

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