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Welcome to the Sojourner Institute

The Sojourner Institute is a Fourth Way school for advanced spiritual development. As such, it addresses the needs as well as the requirements of the more seasoned Work traveler. Sojourner Institute is for those Fourth Way souls who are looking for new and innovative ways of being able to work upon themselves.

The ideas about the (planetary Enneagram) have much in common with new age thinking, but they have a special message for those groups who are seeking to prepare themselves for the coming times of trouble. However differently these groups may view the situation and however conflicting their detailed allegiances may appear to be, (they need to know one another), share as far as possible their experience and understanding. There is no exclusive way to the truth, not even one best way, though each of us may think so. The Work, like nature, provides vast multitude of seeds and scatters them abroad to insure that however many may fall by the wayside, the harvest, at the time of reaping, will come. We must nurture our own seeds but not for that, neglect those of others.

John G. Bennett, 1974

Of all the lunacies earth can boast the one that must please the devil the most is pride reduced to the whimsical terms of causing the slugs to despise the worms.

Robert Brough

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